Daniel Thomas
Press Services International

Dr. Daniel Thomas is a medical doctor and Christian Advocate who loves the Lord deeply. He is married to Grace-ann Thomas the love of his life and currently leads a youth organization called the Love March Movement; which is committed to empowering the youth to fight for sexual purity and the family in Jamaica.
Jamaica Brilliant at Tokyo Olympics
Jamaica is doing exceptionally well on the world stage! For the first time one woman has won the 100m and 200m in consecutive Olympics!
Matters of war
I find myself thinking, writing and preaching a lot about the role of the church in the world. It seems that much of the church falsely think themselves to be on a cruise ship, rather than the glaringly obvious biblical reality that we were actually made for war.
10 Scriptures Every Christian Should Know By Heart
Every believer everywhere has need of the Word; to meditate on it, to chew incessantly on the living Word of God. We have need of the Word as soldiers need armour, as men need bread, as sojourners through a dark land need light.
How to not become a pervert
Tears. When someone that you love, whom you hold in the highest possible esteem, whom you aspire to bring to your country, if even just to speak to your leaders, if even just to challenge your youth, in ways that will stimulate a love for the Lord and his truth.
Rediscovering the real role of the church
I find my heart being tugged perpetually to tackle the question of the role of the church in the world.
“Gentle Jesus, Meek and Mild” is only half the man
Every believer knows that our unending goal is to be Christ-like. But what does that really mean? It is safe to say that century to century the prevailing world culture puts an innate spin on our understanding of the Word of God and even how we see God Himself.
Basic Apologetics for every believer
It isn't uncommon to hear people mocking Christians these days. In baseless confidence they strut about claiming the Bible to be unreliable and irrelevant; at best a meaningless collection of ideas and at worst, a dangerous thing to believe. The need for a determined effort among modern day believers to be equipped to defend the faith has never been more urgent.
What is the role of the church? Part 2
Every entity has a purpose. The church is no different, the reason we are not zapped into heaven once we submit our lives to Jesus Christ is because we have a job to do, a role to play, a mission to fulfill.
The Dr Daniel Thomas STORY
I was born into a Christian family. I have a vivid memory of giving my life to Jesus in family devotions at age 7
What is the role of the church?
This is a most fundamental question, which should not be answered lightly. My goal as usual, the Lord empowering, is to pluck the 21st century believer out of the muck of the 21st century popular culture of Christianity, that neutralized insipid shadow of a faith; into the realm of the eternal Bride of Christ.