2021 is only five months away and already the Press Service International young writer program is thinking ahead to the new year.
Every new year is a time of excitement and expectation as to a fresh beginning and goals and so too the young writer program.
Bringing many new young writers into the program. The young writer program functions as follows:
Writing a column for Christian Today once every 5 weeks
These 5 weeks are called Cycles
There are 10 Cycles in the year
The Style Guide for the young writers has items such as these
Letterhead and title
600-900 words
Times New Roman
BIO at the ends
Head and shoulder photo
There are other important aspects
No long paragraphs
White space is good for on-line articles
Make it readable and flowing
Select topics that interest you

There are age groups
Young writers 18-30 years
Progress to Over 31s
Progress to senior writers
This year the Christian Today editor sought us to have younger faces, not older faces bought in. This meant loving the older Over 31s into senior writers and this has worked very well.
These new senior writers were included in the annual awards – there were 15 of them
3 Kiwis
3 Internationals
9 Australians
The idea is to commence in the program as a young writer 18-30 years and then progress to the Over 31s and then the senior writers.

The support roles are critical to see the young writer program function smoothly. And they change personnel from time to time
The young writer program is set out in Week allotments. Each week has a
Coordinator - sends everyone ion their week reminders for due dates
Editor - works with the young writer on their article
Photo selector - selects the photos for the articles (unless a photo comes with the article)
Other roles
Facebook uploads
Christian media
Christian Today
Each group has a ‘Stand Alone’ person who forwards each week’s articles to Christian Today on the Thursday before the following week
New Zealand

There are many wonderful volunteers with the awards - first each young writer sends in their BEST article - there are seven different groups such as the Australian young writers, the sport writers, the Kiwis …..
Each group has a Connect person who collates these Best articles and then forwards them all to the 5 panellists of their group. 7 groups x 5 panellists in each = 35 people. Mammoth undertaking every year around July.
What do we need in 2021 - you guessed it, more young writers – 18-30 years – a column once every 5 weeks in Christian Today. Contact me timeout@bushorchestra.com or text / ring 0419 917 713.

Dr Mark Tronson - a 4 min video
Chairman – Well-Being Australia
Baptist Minister 45 years
- 1984 - Australian cricket team chaplain 17 years (Ret)
- 2001 - Life After Cricket (18 years Ret)
- 2009 - Olympic Ministry Medal – presented by Carl Lewis
- 2019 - The Gutenberg - (ARPA Christian Media premier award)
Gutenberg video - 2min 14sec
Married to Delma for 45 years with 4 children and 6 grand children