What we all witnessed on the television news and current affairs programs back in 2019 which continued on into January and February with President Trump’s with the accusations by the Democrats for the Russian conspiracy and then the Ukraine affair is all too common.
Anyone can make an accusation – let it play out – then walk away.
Here are some of the claims made by accusers. There was enough smoke. It was very confusing and the information was adjudged damaging enough to go for the throat. What comes out will be truth enough to be a slam dunk. Have enough possibilities of wrong doing and the weight will illustrate a bad egg.
You get the picture.
In President Trump’s case we are now finding out that there were officials who set the cat among the pigeons with the Russian conspiracy and it took on a life of its own where his political enemies ran with it without truthful evidence.
There was an accusation. It grew and grew and grew. In the end there was a puff of smoke and nothing. Yet those political enemies walked away without a stain. Anyone can make an accusation, whether it sticks or not, so what !!
Then there was the one sided Democratic Party impeachment. Passed. Off to the Senate trial. The Republications held the numbers here and as night follows day, those numbers held and the accusation failed the vote test.
The Democrats tried every trick in the book wanting this and that added to the trial. It did not work. Accusations thrown willy nilly. No one held to account for all this.
Then after the State of the Union Address the Leader of the House, the Democrat Pelosi tore up his speech for all to see. It was horrible. President Trump only found out about it afterwards as Polosi was behind him.
Accusers without hard proof evidence are the deadliest as they can point the finger and call for a testing of the evidence – and then walk away – the fallout and the harm to others – and many there are – are on no consequence.
Now we find that US General Michael Flynn the same thing has happened. Read this and weep.
Church and Missions
This is precisely what happens in churches and missions – one area is referred to as ‘mobbing’ and I have written of this.
The details of mobbing is the outcome of those within the church or mission who creates the accusative syndrome around a leader or mission person – to prove mobbing is incredibly difficult – accusers simply walk away.
I recall one elderly woman in a small church congregation who mobbed every leader or minister for which she disagreed – theologically – practically – whatever. She won the day for many years. Then there came a minister who realised the agenda. Within months she left the church. That congregation grew from 20 people to 260 a few months later.
Many mission executives have been dealt foul deals by those who have mobbed the poor soul who has done nothing more than to advance the cause of the mission. So many have spoken to me of this over my 43 years of ministry. In some way this was my lot 21 years ago but heavier personages stood beside me.
Accusers walked away.
Medical and Insurance
We have very high opinions of the medical profession and all the agencies that go with it. There is a common quote that the medical profession bury their mistakes. The problem here is that they hold the cards. They’re educated by our taxes. They are privileged and highly paid positions and community respect.
But things do go wrong. Every day things go wrong. The accusing finger is pointed but credible information is very difficult to find.
Likewise the insurance industry. There are two insurance companies I will no longer have any dealings with. We can accuse - as the evidence as we see it is in abundance = but the insurance company has been in the game a long time.
The Proverbs say a lot about all this.
Dr Mark Tronson - a 4 min video
Chairman – Well-Being Australia
Baptist Minister 45 years
- 1984 - Australian cricket team chaplain 17 years (Ret)
- 2001 - Life After Cricket (18 years Ret)
- 2009 - Olympic Ministry Medal – presented by Carl Lewis
- 2019 - The Gutenberg - (ARPA Christian Media premier award)
Gutenberg video - 2min 14sec
Married to Delma for 45 years with 4 children and 6 grand children