Sam Gillespie
Press Service International
Sam Gillespie is a composer, programmer and PhD candidate at the University of New South Wales.Sam Gillespie's previous articles may be viewed at
Safety in Isolation
Isolation and distancing is the order of the hour. The tension remains as many of us wonder if we’ve acted fast enough to prevent the tsunami of cases seen in other countries.
Resisting abuse of power and corruption
The topic of corruption has been a big topic in our news, both at home and abroad.
Heated Discourse
Yes, what I have to say relates to climate change, but no, this isn’t an argument. I want to talk about my experiences and how I’ve felt about discussions I’ve had. I may stray briefly into why I view issues the way I do but I’ll try and keep that to a minimum as what I want to talk about are my frustrations and my hope.
Issues associated with being self aware
Perhaps one of the most painful things we experience in our lives is giving up the things we value. The pain can come in all manner of forms and so too the motivations. Is this pain something we should be avoiding or should we accept it as a part of life?
Online Personalities and Following Christ
Who are you online and who are you talking to? Would your friends or colleges say that you’re the same when they interact with you online as offline or perhaps you maintain multiple online personalities?
Leadership, society and experts
Making decisions can be hard enough when it comes to personal choices. How much harder is it to commit to action when your choice directly impacts other people!
The sleep equation
Sleep is a required part of all our lives however for something so important, it would appear that we know very little about it. I decided to investigate and the following are some interesting facts on the subject which may even help us all sleep more easily at night.
Music in Churches Should Always be Changing
Raising our voices in praise to the Lord is a constant throughout scripture, so music in churches certainly has precedent as to why it holds such a high place in many of our gatherings. Out of the many aspects of singing praises together the expression of unity which we share in our Salvation has been on my mind recently and I wanted to share my thoughts on why changing music is an important part of expressing our unity.
A reaction to exploitative practices
Should we, as consumers be making our views known to the businesses we buy from?
Church is a good place for friends
Discussing the value about the friends we have at church seems to me to be very important. One of the fun things about church is looking forward to being able to catch up our friends on Sundays?