Alexander Gillespie
Press Services International

Alexander Gillespie is an Arts Honours graduate of the University of Sydney. Particular fields of interest include Nineteenth-Century migration history, conceptual philosophy, social policy and ecclesiology. He currently lives in Sydney with his wife and enjoys researching and writing.
What do you want from work?
How many times will you answer the question “What do you do”? Work, in all kinds of capacities, is a major part of life and one from which many seek to find their place in the world, their meaning, security and status.
Should Christians live separately from society?
In the long history of Christianity, there have been those who have felt it necessary to abandon their ties with the world around them.
Smart Animals Defeat Christianity?
If we found other sentient life, would it make you reject Christianity? As we find more and more intelligence in the life around us, I think it is especially important to look carefully at what really makes humans special.
Testimony and evidence—an unpicking
What roles do testimony and the argument for evidence play in Christian witness?
Care in Criticism
Criticism can reveal faults in ideas and actions, with the potential to save many situations, but all too often criticism burdens or breaks relationships. How does criticism fit in Christian life and what kind of mindset do we need to be in when we set out to criticise?
‘They’re not us’: blame in the Church
Resurrection Reunion
The dead - respect and reverence
I had the pleasure of walking in the Royal National Park, south of Sydney, wherein, amongst the magnificent scenery I happened upon an antechinus.
Kingdom Defeats FOMO
Spending eternity with God is so much greater than anything else we can experience that we shouldn’t worry about missing out in this life. This can empower change in our lives as we challenge ourselves on what we are clinging to in this broken world.
Greed and Giving: Wealth and God
Wealth captures our trust by opening opportunities and fulfilling many of our needs, but so often the love of money leads to an unhealthy view of the world. This disturbingly broad trust in wealth doesn’t just blind us to our obligations to each other, but also creeps into Christian worship of God.