Steven Huang

  • DisAbled?

    When we think of disabilities, we often think limitation; something which prevents us from truly being our full selves. Or at least I did. That was before I realised disabilities do not have to be debilitating.

  • My existence vs. heroes of the Bible

    \'Lord, I constantly stumble and struggle with sin, never seem to have enough time for you, why would you bother with a nobody like me?\'

  • I want to ride my bicycle

    How would you handle riding up and down a hill for 12 hours? There are mountains of endurance challenges to choose from. Some are public events, such as the 42km marathon. In this event everyone trains and turns up on race day. They compete for the prize of running under the finishing banner. For their endurance they earn a finisher\'s medal presented to them in front of the crowd.

  • I spy with my little eye

    \"Come on in. Make yourself comfortable but please be careful my TV and the computer are both listening and recording every word.\" No I am not joking! The Berkman Centre for Internet and Society at Harvard released a report to warn consumers that many smart home devices have spying capabilities.

  • Most Beautiful verses of Scripture – 4 young writers - No 5

    This is the fifth article highlighting our young writers\' selection of their 7 most beautiful verses from the Bible. The idea came from an article highlighting the 50 most beautiful sentences of literature.

  • Band-Aids don't fix bullet holes

    Pop singer Taylor Swift said it well in her song lyrics, \"Band-Aids don\'t fix bullet holes.\" I promise you, I\'m not a Taylor Swift fan (so you breathe a sigh of relief and keep reading), but ever since I heard those lyrics, they\'ve stuck in my head and have me thinking about the state of my heart.

  • Naked fools

    I don\'t care who you are! I know how to make you uncomfortable, and, it\'s by holding up a mobile phone, white camera light on, in your direction.

  • Was pre-birth Jesus merely a potential human being?

    It\'s been said that the most dangerous place in the world is the womb. Since time began untold millions (probably billions) of human babies have been denied the right to see the light of day.

  • The truth about climate change

    My wife and I frequently travel through the Australian outback and recently we were struck by the dramatic change in weather as compared to past years.

  • An endless ocean

    How well do you know the ocean? Growing up I always loved the ocean but living on the wheat farms of inner WA I rarely had the opportunity to explore its depths. It seemed that every summer\'s day when we finally decided it was hot enough to merit the trek, by the time we actually arrived it was cold and windy.