Roydon Ng

Press Service International

Roydon Ng is a Christian writer and Baptist seminary graduate from Western Sydney.

Soli Deo gloria.

Follow @RoydonNg on Twitter


Roydon’s previous articles are available at:

  • Conservatism: The false hope for Christians

    In the Western world, many Christians have been conditioned to presume that the post-modern culture’s rejection of faith is equivalent to the persecution of believers.

  • Adam Duker: Pursuing freedom and keeping faith amidst adversity

    Drinking an Ethiopian long black coffee in an Inner Sydney café hours before attending a wedding, Adam Duker recounts his fateful decision in 2016 to attend his brother’s wedding in Tel Aviv, Israel.

  • Growing up Asian-Australian in Sydney Churches

    The changing demographics of regular church attendance in Australia is no secret to long-time Christians, with declining numbers of Anglo-Australians. This, however, does not signify the end of Christianity in the country, with an increasing number of church attendees coming from an immigrant and especially a second-generation Asian background.

  • Are we kissing evangelicalism goodbye?

    The English poet Dorothy Sayers once said, “if we really want a Christian society, we must teach Christianity”. For many long-time Christians, this would be the obvious case. But as culture moves in not just a post-modern but post-Christendom society, we must be churches that welcome and embrace every age group.

  • Bringing truth to all

    Who can blame Australian headlines for a negative image of God in recent weeks? With Cardinal George Pell convicted for child sexual abuse and public schools in the Australian Capital Territory outlawing chaplains, it is no wonder that one could think interest in God is on the decline.

  • The challenge of voice and heart

    Despite claims from mainstream media and keyboard warriors that the Church has no place in modern society, the reality is that most people continue to tolerate the presence of Christianity.

  • For a better world

    “There is no such thing as society” – former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher famously said in a 1987 interview. This quote might be silly at first glance but carries much significance for us as individuals, because there is such thing as society in the realm of ‘community’. It is through our society that we can conduct acts of altruism, courage, heroism or compassion. This only takes place when we feel part of a larger community.

  • How ought Christians vote?

    Isn’t it ironic that often the people who know least about Christianity insist that Christians must vote in a certain way?

  • A political or apolitical God?

    Jesus rode a donkey, so that means He’s a Democrat or socialist? Jesus taught using the Parable of the Talents, so He’s a capitalist? Let’s take the elephant out of the room (so out goes ‘Republican Jesus’ too) and look at why Christians ought to steer clear of the partisan left vs right wing divide.

  • Hope Trumps Hate

    Auburn’s “Together 4 Hope” march in multicultural Western Sydney attracted a crowd of over a hundred locals coming together across diverse religious lines in support of mental health. The Suicide Prevention Campaign organised by the Auburn Salvation Army and State Member for Auburn, Luke Foley has become an annual event in the Cumberland local government area.