Rachel Li

Press Service International

Rachel is a pastor, preacher and writer. Based in Sydney, she’s a fan of literature, sport and the arts. Check out her website rachellhli.wordpress.com 

  • Lessons from a Mission Trip in Japan

    In April this year, I went to Japan for a short-term mission trip. This was not my first time going to Japan but it was my first time on an overseas mission trip.

  • How much are you willing to care?

    How many seconds does it take for you to decide not to help someone?

  • How I became the rich fool

    We want to be wealthy, yet so many of us fall into the same trap of the rich fool in Jesus’ Parable of the Rich Fool found in Luke chapter 12.

  • Leading a ministry team is like coaching volleyball

    I started leading a team of youth leaders at the age of nineteen. I have been very involved in the youth ministry since high school and over time, have naturally stepped into the role of organising team meetings and discipling emerging leaders.

  • How much are you willing to care?

    How many seconds does it take for you to decide not to help someone?

  • Good Timing

    I’ve always wondered what Esther was thinking on the first night she invited her husband, the King of Persia, and Haman, a high-ranking senior official in the King’s court, to dinner.

  • How much are you willing to care?

    How many seconds does it take for you to decide not to help someone? That’s the question I asked myself after watching Netflix’s Seven seconds.