Neville Hiatt
Press Services International

Neville Hiatt was the 2020 Press Services International Tronson Senior Writers Award Winner for Australia. His previous posts for can be read here.
He spent a decade working for Radio Stations before his career was intermissioned by someone in a hurry to get home from work. For more of his award winning creativity visit
He also blogs for the way cryptocurrencies and blockchain are changing our world.
When enough is too much
I woke up recently one morning to see the following post from a friend. I share it with their permission unedited.
Satan doesn’t care that you go to church
It’s half way through 2023, why would Satan care if you go to church?
God’s children are not for sale
The Sound of Freedom was the number one movie when it released in America on the 4th July.
Do you prefer digital or physical art?
Do you prefer digital or physical art? It was a question I saw recently on twitter. I personally prefer both, but what is your preference? Does most of the art in your life live on your phone or printed and displayed? Maybe you have digital artworks on display for others to see.
Remembering warmer days
Up til Easter the weather was still reasonably warm in Victoria, Australia. By Queensland standards it would have been cold. For the Easter weekend and into the next week it was cold, wet and windy. Not ideal photography weather unless you are shooting rain.
Winter Memories
What is your favourite season? As a photographer it’s too hard for me to choose.
Trusting is easy when you don’t have to
As a child did you play the game of trust? Standing with your back to someone believing they would catch you if you lent backwards and fell into their arms?
What is a soul worth?
Having just celebrated Easter it feels even more poignant to ask, what is a soul worth?
Surprising Art
Are you a Christian or a coward?
Can you imagine how different your childhood would be if you were growing up now?