Miriam Jerobon
Press Services International

Miriam comes from Kenya, but now lives in South Australia and is surrounded by an amazing Christian community. She enjoys deep conversations, music, tennis, bowling, occasional walks on the beach and quality friendships.
Being still in the lion’s den
So much is happening in the world at the moment, it’s unlike most have seen or imagined possible. These are the events of Sci-Fi movies we have watched and never thought would happen in our life time.
Being his masterpiece
In my personal reflections recently I have been taking a recap of my year so far. Just taking note of the areas I had purposed to change to bring improvements and significant progress towards my goals.
Time for Transition
As believers when we turn to Jesus when born again and commit to surrender our lives totally most of the times do we really fathom what this entails? The words that most often come in our worship that God may use as He pleases, are we really ready to surrender and give Him total control?
Building a brand
I’ve always been fascinated by the concept of personal branding. Personal branding is the spoken and unspoken ways in which we portray ourselves. Whether or not we want to have personal brand or not, we have one. Personal branding is not only for business people or marketing purposes.
Out with the old, in with the new
The year just started a month ago and if you’re like me it may come with some sort of pressure to do things differently. We all put so much expectancy in this turn of calendar. Time has taught me that a mere turn of calendar does not change a thing, unless we ourselves make intentional changes. I realize I cannot be a passenger of my life and let the year be the driver of my life.
The diaries of an immigrant
On a sunny Sunday afternoon I left my home to meet a dear friend for a walk. This was during the first weeks of the present pandemic where we could only meet a maximum of two people.
Grace for Your Race
In Psalms, we are instructed to magnify the Lord at all times. Magnify means to refocus and make something seem great/important. What we magnify as believers matters. Are we seeing things from a heavenly perspective? In a world that is constantly evolving, we have to fight to maintain God’s kingdom reality and mindset.