Michele Ong

Press Service International

Michele Ong currently works as a writer for a Christian non-profit organisation. She believes in the power of the written word, and the impact it has on lives. In her spare time, she can be found trying to put together a decent meal, or pretending to be an elite swimmer in the pools. For more of Michele’s articles look here: https://www.pressserviceinternational.org/michele-ong.html

  • What if God was ‘A Bowl of Ice Cream?’

    Of all the presents I received for my eighth birthday—coloring books, fancy stationery, and toys— the children’s Bible was the best gift. I recall racing through Genesis to Jude, but staying away from Revelation because I did not like thinking about the End Times.

  • Worst friend ever

    I’ll be the first to say that if there was ever an award for “Worst Friend”, I would win first place.

  • The beauty ideal

    Growing up, I was Bunny-esque, no beauty queen. I had a mouthful of braces to realign my Bugs teeth, and I wore wire rimmed glasses to correct my short sightedness. To complement my already awkward features, I had short—and often frizzy—hair. Best of all, weekend activities spent under the hot, tropical sun had given me an ugly tan.

  • What my ideal family looks like

    I had always wished that I was a Eurasian, so I would have nice big, deep-set eyes and light brown hair.

  • Why I didn’t give up on hope

    I once held a very dim view of the word “hope”. It sounded wishy-washy to me. If hope was personified, it would be a weak-willed doormat with no opinions of its own.

  • Isn’t Christianity Just a Bunch of Outdated Rules?

    I often feel like a prehistoric dinosaur wearing the “Christian” label. While friends and acquaintances accept my beliefs, the questions I get asked and comments I receive suggest that there is an underlying feeling that my beliefs are slightly outdated, not to mention seriously restrictive, especially when it comes to the area of pre-marital sex.