Merewyn Foran

Press Services International

Merewyn Foran is married, a mother to two teenage step-daughters and two younger children. She is a senior executive in a Melbourne not for profit organisation.

Merewyn Foran previous articles may be viewed

  • Slowing down

    I am not sure about you, but I feel like I am constantly waiting for the time in life when things will slow down.

  • Remembering kindness

    The world feels a little bit crazy right now! With a global pandemic, various lockdowns and quarantines across the globe to stop the virus spread, and polarising opinions about vaccinations, there is plenty going on to challenge our collective mental health!

  • Discovering the joy of traditions

    I have been reflecting recently on traditions. This has been prompted in response to hearing something a good friend shared with me as she grieved the recent passing of her nana.