Kristen Dang

Press Service International

Kristen is a family doctor who loves music, writing and anything artsy. She enjoys seeing God’s handiwork in the intricacies and beauty of nature, and lives with her husband and two young children in South Australia. See Kristen’s other articles at:

  • We still need faith

    We have a lot of knowledge in our world; tools to see, understand and monitor things we once simply trusted. What then is the benefit of faith, or believing in things unseen?

  • He wants us: escaping the grip of the world

    God’s grip on us is stronger than the tendrils of the world. I was listening to a song the other day called “Control”, by Tenth Avenue North.

  • Always on call

    One evening, I got a call-out to see a patient. It was a busy day and already getting late, but I knew the patient would appreciate me coming as opposed to calling out a locum. As I parked the car and prepared to do this last consult, a thought came into my head - "All for Jesus!"

  • He Placed the Ring on My Finger

    A wedding band carries all kinds of reminders; it is a symbol of love, of faithfulness, of a willingness to give and to serve. It is something precious, something of heritage that can be passed down generations, something that costs to obtain, but then is freely given out of love.

  • What if God?

    Possibilities stretch out like the ocean’s horizon. One decision, one small turn can alter the course of a person’s life, and we don’t always see the destination before we arrive. Will we let ourselves be paralysed by doubt, or will we walk on the water in faith?

  • Saving life

  • Spontaneity and persistence in the pursuit of God

    Our journey with God is marked both with unexpected opportunities, and the reaping of hard labour.

  • A grace-full mistake

    A mistake costs. It costs confidence, pride, reputation and opportunity.

  • Stepping into the new

    When God does something new, you don’t want to be left swimming in old wine. I recently stepped into a new season with God, and I know it can be hard to let go of the old.