John Yates
Press Service International

The Rev. Dr John Yates is an Anglican minister in Perth and has 5 children and 7 grandchildren. He spends time in praying, mentoring and writing.John Yates’s previous articles may be viewed at
Look Again: Transfiguration for Today
One of my persistent challenges to the contemporary Church, at least in its Westernised forms, is its miniaturised perspective on Jesus.
Accumulated Glory
I am not a big fan of movies with a “Christian” message because they are often thinly veiled propaganda.
Order! Order!
Anyone listening to ABC broadcasts of Federal Parliament would be familiar with the leader of the House proclaiming “Order!” to restore a semblance of dignity amidst pandemonium, disrespect, and sheer childishness.
Confession and Community
Very rarely does anyone notice that no sinful person was permitted to see the actual resurrection event. There are profound reasons for this.
Need: divine and human
One of the blatant problems of contemporary Western Christianity is that we are far more self-centred than God/Christ-centred.
Our Problem
Whilst disposed to seemingly harmless little meanderings of the mind, these deeply grieve the Spirit of our Father.
Prophetic Testimony
Visiting a then mentor, who had seen several revivals in Pakistan under his ministry, he commented that “prophetic preaching” would bring revival to Australia.
Holy Living
Today we are witnessing a wave of younger people, probably in their 30’s by the time they are matured in self-discerning, aware that they lack fathers and mothers in God.
A local Pentecostal pastor recently remarked to me, that whilst the numbers in his congregation were quite steady week by week, there was always a significant rollover.
Another Coming
Theologians refer to the Second Coming of Jesus as the Parousia, a Greek term with rich associations in first century culture referring to “presence” or “coming”.