Jessica McPherson
Press Service International

Jessica McPherson lives with her best friend and husband, Eoin and their family of rescue animals in Christchurch. She loves reading, writing, photography and scrap-booking but most of all sharing God’s love and truth with a hurting world. Jessica is particularly passionate about encouraging children and building them up in gospel truth.
Do You See The Grace In Deuteronomy?
We recently did a series in Deuteronomy. I love our Old Testament series because it’s so exciting to see what I thought was a bit of a dry book of the Bible come alive with God’s purpose and love, and to see how it points us to Jesus!
Vote For Your Neighbour
Voting season is upon us yet again and with voting season comes the inevitable questions we have of who we should vote for and what we should vote for.
Individualism Isn’t Biblical
A common idea that has been floating around for the past several years is that the more connected we become the more disconnected we seem to get.
Why BAD people go to Heaven and GOOD people go to Hell
Most people believe that there is a good place that good people go to when they die; Christians are the exception to this norm as the Bible teaches that it is not the good who get to go to Heaven but actually it is bad people – what?!
Long Live the King?
This month for the first time in 70 years there was a coronation for a new British monarch. This momentous occasion included much fanfare and celebration with people from all over Britain and even the world celebrating King Charles the third’s ascension to the throne.
Don’t Make Sadness a Death Sentence
What is the meaning of life? These days the meaning of life, at least in the developed world, seems to be the pursuit of happiness.
Jesus, Bunnies, and the Joy of Easter
I love celebrating things! I love celebrating events and people and just life in general! I particularly love celebrating things using a theme that fits the occasion!
Wars and Rumours of Wars
We are only half-way through February and already we have had a devastating flood in Auckland, a catastrophic earthquake hit Turkey & Syria, the North Island is currently in a state of emergency due to Cyclone Gabrielle, and there was a suspected Chinese spy balloon testing America’s defence readiness.
God’s plan for financial success in the New Year
Happy New Year everyone! Since this is a perfect time to discuss New Year’s Resolutions, I thought I would share a great resolution that was the basis of our last sermon for the year two weeks back!
Christmas Is For Those Who Despair
In Dr. Seuss’ classic children’s Christmas tale there is the grinch who is a lonely, miserable, selfish character who can’t stand the Christmas cheer that goes on in who-ville.