Haydn Lea

Press Service International

Haydn Lea is an Ordained Minister, and is currently serving as an Air Force Chaplain in Adelaide. He is married to Shamsa Lea, is the father of Amira, and loves running, boxing and studying history and theology. Haydn describes himself as a five-point Calvinist, but he recognises that many faithful Christians disagree. Thankfully he isn’t a cage-stage Calvinist about it all.

  • You won’t have eternal life in Heaven Part 2: the half-way home

    In my last article, dear Theophilus, I set out to explain that Christians will spend eternity in a perfected, glorified, physical New Creation, not heaven per se. The article explains that eventually, God will bring about a new creation where we dwell forever with Him, not as disembodied souls, but as physical beings.

  • Making Ourselves Historical Orphans: Why We Ignore the Church Fathers

    I recently wrote about an interesting church history anecdote: Saint Nicholas (Santa) punched Arius for advocating a heretical Christology.  Since then, there is one overwhelming comment that I have consistently received: “I’d never heard that before”.

  • You Won’t Have Eternal Life in Heaven Part 2: The Half-Way Home

    In my last article, dear Theophilus, I set out to explain that Christians will spend eternity in a perfected, glorified, physical New Creation, not heaven per se. The article explains that eventually, God will bring about a new creation where we dwell forever with Him, not as disembodied souls, but as physical beings.

  • Sorry, you won’t have eternal life in heaven

    I’m sorry, but I don’t believe that you’re going to spend eternity in heaven. This isn’t a judgement on you personally, I’m saying that as a whole, believers won’t spend eternity in heaven. Allow me to explain…

  • Promotions or Pumice Stones?—Leading through Servitude

    This is my first time writing for this year, as I have been away at Air Force Officer Training. This meant that I was exposed to a wide array of leadership theories, training, and assessment.

  • Why I refuse to be a ‘hands-on’ dad

    I am not a hands-on dad. I am simply a dad.

  • A load of Horus poo - Is Jesus based on an Egyptian god?

    When I was growing up, I loved anything related to ancient Egypt.

  • Theological triage

    Have you ever been to a hospital emergency room? It’s not the most fun place to spend your time, granted, but it’s always interesting.

  • What is the Gospel?

    Last weekend our church had a Q and A for our evening service. I was one of the members of the panel, and we received many of the questions one might expect—questions pertaining to God, sin, sex, aliens and everything in between.

  • Can we lose our Salvation?

    While I usually try to avoid sweeping generalisations, I think it may be fair to say that nearly all Christians have wrestled with doubts before.