David Goodwin

Press Service International

David Goodwin is the former Editor of The Salvation Army’s magazine,War Cry. He is also a cricket tragic, and an unapologetic geek.

David Goodwin archive of articles may be viewed at  http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/david-goodwin.html

  • Social resurrection

    Those who know me may find it hard to believe, but I am an introvert by nature. While I can do the extrovert thing when in a social setting it is a conscious effort to enjoy the occasion and make the most of spending time with people.

  • Do you lift, bro?

    I’ve never been one of those people who particularly enjoys exercise, seeing it as a necessary evil in order to prevent my love of food leaving me completely sedentary and ordering people to thrown into Sarlacc Pits.

  • Those lockdown blues

    Hopefully by the time you read this it is already over, but as I write this Victoria is in the middle of a “circuit breaker” lockdown in an attempt to curtail the spread of new cases of COVID-19.

  • Good riddance to bad rubbish

    The end of one year and the beginning of another is always greeted with a sense of anticipation and excitement.

  • No Paine, No Gaine

    The recently concluded Test series between Australia and India was one for the ages. While calling it the greatest series of all time is a bit of a stretch.

  • Bread and Circuses

    Recently, I happened to stumble across a television series highlighting the greatest fights in UFC (Ultimate Fighting Competition). UFC, which combines wrestling, boxing and martial arts—and is most definitely not choreographed or staged—can at times seem less fighting and more cuddling.

  • The Times they are for a-changing

    As we find ourselves ambushed by the dying of the year—how can it possibly be December already—the retail machine is making sure our minds are turning towards Christmas.

  • All Creatures Great and Small

    The use of animals in sport is as old as sport itself, even if our ideas of what is acceptable entertainment have changed over the years.

  • Heavy Lies the Head

    Full disclosure: I’ve never been a huge fan of Victoria’s Premier, Dan Andrews. I always felt his leadership style a bit too autocratic for my taste, and I had major concerns with many of the “nanny state” type laws that sought to impose an ideological agenda at the expense of free thought and expression—rather than a society that respected the right to diverse views instead of only the “right” way of thinking.

  • Playing in the Bubble

    Right now, things should be ramping up at our local cricket club. But, instead sore muscles that haven’t been used for months and gathering in the rooms to boast about how many wickets or runs we will get this year there is simply...silence.