Darren Salmon

Press Services International

Darren Salmon is a young man from Kingston, Jamaica where he read for his Bachelor of Science degree in BioTechnology at the University of West Indies. He became a follower of Jesus when he was 10 and has since developed a ministry of Christian Poetry for which he has gained a godly reputation. Darren is husband to the lovely Mrs. Kimberley Salmon (previously Morgan), another talented young writer with Christian Today. Darren is a joint 1st place recipient of the Tronson award for international young writers with Christian Today for the year 2019. To read Darren’s previous articles visit his weebly site at https://www.pressserviceinternational.org/darren-salmon.html

  • Love vs lust

    Sexual immorality is by far the most controversial sin that has ever affected the church community. Newspapers are no stranger to stories of pastors and other church leaders being caught up in adultery and paedophilia. Honestly, I believe the distinction between sexual immorality and sexual purity isn’t as clear as we all think because certain terms have not been accurately defined and certain principles have not been taught with sound reasoning.

  • But What if I didn’t marry the “Right Person”?

    In my little island Jamaica marriage is on the decline, as more and more young people witness the ugliness of divorce between couples who just can’t seem to reconcile their differences.

  • The Grass Isn’t Greener on the Other Side

    There comes a time in every relationship where one or both people involved think to themselves “I should leave and go find someone better” The thought may occur during or after an argument, orwhen a certain expectation isn’t met, or during some sort of miscommunication where your feelings are hurt.

  • The D Word

    Here in Jamaica I’m apart of a ministry called the Love March Movement which is a Christian organization run by young adults thatexists to speak and act boldly, creatively and prayerfully, in love, to protect and restore sexual purity, marriage and family within the borders of our nation.

  • My Argument Against Arguments

    “Darren my wife has summoned me to court, hit me with a restraining order and has kidnapped our children…this is the worst Christmas of my life.”

  • Men’s Marriage Misunderstandings

    In my most previous article “Is Marriage Necessary?” I listed 3 popular statements men who are in opposition of marriage make. I will list them here again.

  • Is Marriage Necessary?

    It was mid-December of 2018, I recently got engaged my girlfriend Kimberley back in November and I came across a video on my Facebook news feed entitled “Is Marriage Necessary?” by Couch Conversations.

  • Salvation

    In my small island home of Jamaica nestled in the topical region of the Caribbean you can ask 10 people at random if they are a Christian and about 6 out of the 10 will say yes.